identity cards

美 [aɪˈdentəti kɑːrdz]英 [aɪˈdentəti kɑːdz]
  • n.身份证;身份卡
  • identity card的复数
identity cardsidentity cards

identity cards


  • 1
    N-COUNT 身份证
    An identity card is a card with a person's name, photograph, date of birth, and other information on it. In some countries, people are required to carry identity cards in order to prove who they are.

  1. The bus was stopped and silence fell on the passengers as the police checked identity cards .


  2. when they retire from active service , they shall have their resident identity cards back or apply for new ones .


  3. those who have lost their identity cards shall report the loss and apply for new ones .


  4. Regulations of the PRC Concerning Resident Identity Cards


  5. and those who are over 46 shall be issued resident identity cards valid indefinitely .


  6. those in the 26 to 45 age bracket shall be issued resident identity cards valid for 20 years ;


  7. There are three different terms of validity of resident identity cards : 10 years , 20 years and an indefinite number of years .


  8. When on-duty public security personnel examine citizens ' resident identity cards , they shall produce their own service cards .


  9. Citizens who are enlisted in active service shall hand in their resident identity cards when going through the formalities to cancel their resident registration ;


  10. When handling matters involving their political and economic rights and interests as well as their rights and interests in social life , citizens may produce their resident identity cards to prove their identities .


  11. Citizens shall apply for resident identity cards from the residence registration organs at the places where their permanent residence is registered , and shall go through the prescribed procedures for applying for and obtaining such cards .


  12. If persons who are sentenced to criminal detention for resident identity cards , they shall not be issued such cards during the period when they are serving their sentences or undergoing rehabilitation through labour , or are held in custody ;


  13. those who have already obtained their resident identity cards shall , according to stipulations , be divested of their cards by the executing organs . All these persons shall , upon their release or termination of rehabilitation through labour , apply for resident identity cards or get their original ones back .


  14. 1939 identity cards were first issued in britain .


  15. The identity cards are examined by an electronic scanner .


  16. Discussion on Exit-Entry Frontier Inspection under the Influence of Issue Identity Cards


  17. James makes the copies and returns the identity cards to them .


  18. The police were demanding to see the identity cards of all visitors .


  19. They must produce identity cards before they can gain entrance to the proceedings .


  20. Others lost their identity cards in the quake .


  21. The policeman demanded to see their identity cards .


  22. French officials pass quickly through the train looking at passports and identity cards .


  23. Before taking blood , the valid identity cards of donators shall be verified ;


  24. 454 . The student identified the identical idiom on the identity cards .


  25. Those who wilfully damage others ' resident identity cards .


  26. Blso may I see your identity cards please ?


  27. The specific measures for exchange for the new resident identity cards shall be formulated by the State Council .


  28. The proposal to introduce identity cards flies in the face of so many British political traditions .


  29. The relevant units may not withhold their resident identity cards or demand to take them as security .


  30. Well , some money , of course , my visa , all my identity cards and some photos .
